Estilo de Vida
Homenagem a Raquel / Homage to Raquel

Esta postagem precisa ser bilíngue!
This post needs to be bilingual!Durante o ensino médio discuti com uma garota e acabei conhecendo uma amiga, Raquel. Pena que nos afastamos. Lembro-me com carinho de minhas idas ao seu apartamento em Taguatinga, no qual conheci seus irmãos talentosíssimos e um piano, que ela queria que queria me forçar a tocar, sem eu saber uma nota! Rio disso até hoje, quando lembro.
Bem, Raquel amava Led Zeppelin quando eu mal conhecia Michael Jackson, eu estava por fora mesmo!
During high school I argued with a girl and met a friend, Raquel. It is a pity that we moved away from each other. I fondly remember my visits to her apartment in Taguatinga, where I met her very talented brothers and a piano, which she wanted me to play anyway, without knowing a single note! I laugh at that until today, when I remember.
Well, Raquel loved Led Zeppelin when I barely knew Michael Jackson, I was out, indeed!
Um tempo atrás ouvi um trecho de uma música deles, clássico do duplo sentido, interpretada no lançamento das Olímpiadas de Londres, se eu não estiver enganada:
Whole Lotta Love... Adorei!
Veja abaixo um
link para escutá-la e uma transcrição da letra. Obrigada, Raquel!
Some time ago I heard an excerpt from a song of them, classic of the double meaning, interpreted at the announcement of the Olympic Games of London, if I am not mistaken: Whole Lotta Love... I loved it!
See below a link to hear it and a transcription of the song lyrics. Thank you, Raquel!
Led Zeppelin
You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin'
I'm gonna send ya back to schoolin'
Way down inside, a-honey, you need it
I'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna give you my love, oh
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
You've been learnin'
And baby, I been learnin'
All them good times
Baby, baby, I've been discernin'-a
A-way, way down inside
A-honey, you need-a
I'm gonna give you my love, ah
I'm gonna give you my love, ah
Oh, whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
I don't want more
You've got to bleed on me, yeah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ha, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah, ha, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
No, no, no, no, ah
Love, love, low-ow-ow-ow-ove
Oh, babe, oh
You been coolin'
And baby, I've been droolin'
All the good times, baby, I've been misusin'-a/Oh
A-way, way down inside
I'm gonna give ya my love/Ah
I'm gonna give ya every inch of my love/Ah
I'm gonna give you my love/Ah
Yes, alright, let's go/Ah
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Way down inside/ Way down inside
Way downinside, woman, you/woman
woman, you/you need it
My, my, my, my
My, my, my, my/Ahh
Oh, shake for me, girl
I wanna be your backdoor man-a
Hey, oh, hey, oh/Ahh
Hey, oh, oooh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Hoo-ma, ma, hey
Keep a-coolin', baby
A-keep a-coolin', baby
A-keep a-coolin', baby
Uh, keep a-coolin', baby, wuh, way-hoh, oo-ohh
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Estilo de Vida